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The Essentials of Dirt Green Gardening

 A lot of people have heard of the advantages of dirt-green gardening, but wonder whether it's so simple as it or seems. Dirt green gardening is not just about having beautiful, healthy gardens it's about making sure you are taking care of your garden so that it remains in great shape for years to take. One important thing to remember is that dirt need not be filthy. It can be full of vital nutrients, including nitrogen, which is necessary by plants to grow and thrive. Here are some suggestions on how to ensure you're getting the most suitable soil to meet your gardening needs. If you reside in an area in which there is a small amount of rainfall, the soil should be made slightly damp but not soggy. This can encourage growth and help the plants to conserve water and nutrients that they would otherwise lose due to excessive water or nutrient loss. Also, ensure that the soil is adequately feeding and watered at minimum once per week. In a wetter climate However, you need to water less and fertilize more often. Another factor to take into consideration is the amount of sunshine your garden receives. As any gardener will tell you, sun is the biggest enemy for all plants, regardless of the type they're. You must put your garden in an area that it gets at minimum 6 hours in direct sunshine, but preferably nine hours. This will generate a lot of heat for the soil, which results in an increase in nutrients and water as well as other benefits. If you have an extremely large dirt garden that receives only a little sun, you may consider supplementing the sunlight with solar panels in order to make up for the absence or direct light.